Convert fuel consumption

Sometimes you may want to convert fuel consumption in different other unit than normal unit measure that you use. For example: you calculate fuel consumption like l/100km and you want to convert in mi./gal. or in mpg (US).

You can use for that the following formula:

mi./gal.= 282.48/(l/100km) or l/100km=282.48/(mi./gal.)

4.546 l is equal with 1 imperial gallon is equal with 1.2 US gallons

If you want to convert from l/100km in US measure unit witch is mpg or if you want to transform mpg (US unit measure) into l/100km, you can made this use the following formula:

mpg = 235.21/(l/100km) or l/100km=235/(mpg)

3.785l= 1US gallon; you can convert electrical energy into

You can use this conversion formulas for vehicles which use diesel or gasoline. If you want to compare or convert the gasoline or diesel consumption with electrical energy consumption for electrical cars you must to know that you can convert kilowatt hours/100km into gasoline liters equivalent /100 km. 1 liter of gasoline contains the energy equilvalent of 8.9 kWh of electricity.

For simplicity you can use this conversion table:

energy conversion table

energy conversion table

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